Thursday, September 8, 2011

MacBeth Quotes III

1. He has a wisdom that doth guide his valour to act in safety.

2. Naught's bad, all's spent, where our desire is got without content.

3. Things without rememdy should be regard: what's done is done.

4. After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well.

5. You lack the season of all natures, sleep.

1. Heh. That is an excellent backhanded compliment.Or maybe a veiled insult. When a society values courage, calling someone wise instead is a burn.

2. Nobody told me that I was going to have to make new dreams. Does anyone get told that? Strive, fulfill your dreams, and have to make new ones. Because you get bored. It's true, and I swear I've talked to a dozen late 20somethings who were all discombobulated because after getting the degree, getting married, and making it (reasonably) in their chosen field, they were bored and restless. Because there's another mountain beyond the one you're climbing, and if there isn't, you have to look for one. The happy flip side is my favorite Tagore quote.

3. Yes. If you can't fix and you don't owe anyone an effort to try, then it doesn't help to wallow in regrets. I don't know the context for this one, but I'm guessing it is bad. As in, don't worry about the murder - it's over with. So, I don't extend it to things that need repenting, but if there is no repentance needed, and even if there is, but on the part of someone else, it's better to let the past slip away into the Lethe.

4. Ironic snarker, coming up. I like this description of life as a fitful fever, though. Those words were spoken by spoken familiar with the Chaos.

5. Me on an all-too-regular basis. I love sleep.

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