Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday quotes

1. Never trust anyone who wants what you've got. Friend or no, envy is an overwhelming emotion. --Blythe Holbrook

2. Never exaggerate your faults. Your friends will attend to that. --Robert Edwards

3. If you want to make a dangerous man your friend, let him do you a favor. --Warden Lewis Lawes

4. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressable is music. --Aldous Huxley

5. Action is eloquence. --William Shakespeare

1. I had a best friend in high school with whom I am no longer friends. That drama - which was both sad and inevitable, I guess - took place around this time in my planner, and I can tell. I don't know who Blythe Holbrook is, but I think she was on to something.

2. I think...that people develop a mythology about the others in their lives. Part of the difficulty of changing previous habits is that it unsettles the people around you, who have ordered their world on certain assumptions about you and will fight to keep those assumptions true, even if they are crappy.

3. As long as you're swimming in the shark side of the ocean, I guess it is worth a shot. I personally try to avoid dangerous people - peace is not sustainable.

4. Good thought by Huxley, I don't know that I agree with her anymore. As the next quote demonstrates, I think actions and even touch can do a more thorough job.

5. He would know.

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