Saturday, May 14, 2011

Contemporary quotes

In which we take a break from teenage Katie to visit some quotes I've discovered I love within the past few years.

1.  "You and I dream, when we dream nightmares, of being somehow less than worthy of that grace, that strength, that love. We dream of cages, where nothing is permitted. These dreams are lies. Jump." --Jacob Clifton

2. "Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark." --George Iles

3. "When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But you can't run for ever. Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But all the skies of all the worlds might turn dark if he ever, for one moment, accepts it." --Stephan Moffat

4.  "It is less mortifying to believe one's self unpopular than insignificant, and vanity prefers to assume that indifference is a latent form of unfriendliness." --Edith Wharton

5. "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." --Galileo

2. I'd heard that faith is an action word, and that I should act on faith, but what does that mean? If you're not actually standing in a place where a leap is required, what does it mean to have faith, beyond obedience. I think it means having hope, and refusing to give power to nihilism. Hope is the action part of faith. I also love the part about hold out one's hand. Faith is trusting that the Lord will not leave one hanging.

3. More Doctor Who. Moffat gets why the Doctor is fantastic. (He only missed why Rose is. No one's perfect.)

4. Edith Wharton must have been a kick in the pants to know. I'm sorry I'll never get the chance to make her acquaintance. My dream dinner party includes her, Jane Austen, Oliver Wilde, and Alexander Pope.

5. This one I found about 15 years ago, so it is a break from the contemporary quotes. I LOVE it. Whatever personal belief system I form, it needs to include everything I know to be true, including the Lord's respect of us.
1. Jacob Clifton, my favorite contemporary philosopher. He doesn't solely intend to write philosophy; in fact, instead he writes recaps on Television Without Pity, including recaps for Gossip Girl, Doctor Who, and Battlestar Galactica. He is a brilliant writer, and I love the magnanimous, caring, optimistic philosophy that permeates his writing. It surely must be a persona - because all writing is a persona, intentional or not - and I appreciate the persona. This quote is from the recap of the finale of season two from Doctor Who. This, this is why I love that show, because of the faith.

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