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It is very difficult to Google for "vision of heaven". |
- This is the only time we get a description of the initiation into the cult of Isis. What is more interesting is what he doesn't mention.
- Lucius loves this - the guy who was so interested in magic has thrown himself into religious mysteries wholeheartedly.
- He addresses the reader! In the prologue to the book the narrator did, but Lucius is a character in the story the narrator is telling, and then he breaks the fourth wall! This is a very chic, post-modern book. I can't believe it was written in 130ish AD.
[23] Ea protinus naviter et aliquanto liberalius partim ipse, partim per meos socios coemenda procuro. Iamque tempore, ut aiebat sacerdos, id postulante stipatum me religiosa cohorte deducit ad proximas balneas et prius sueto lavacro traditum, praefatus deum veniam, purissime circumrorans abluit, rursumque ad templum reductum, iam duabus diei partibus transactis, ante ipsa deae vestigia constituit secretoque mandatis quibusdam, quae voce meliora sunt, illud plane cunctis arbitris praecepit, decem continuis illis diebus cibariam voluptatem coercerem neque ullum animal essem et invinius essem. Quis venerabili continentia rite servatis, iam dies aderat divino destinatus vadimonio, et sol curvatus intrahebat vesperam. Tum ecce confluunt undique turbae sacrorum ritu vetusto variis quisque me muneribus honorantes. Tunc semotis procul profanis omnibus linteo rudique me contectum amicimine arrepta manu sacerdos deducit ad ipsius sacrarii penetralia. Quaeras forsitan satis anxie, studiose lector, quid deinde dictum, quid factum; dicerem, si dicere liceret, cognosceres, si liceret audire. Sed parem noxam contraherent et aures et lingua, | Immediately I attend to buying up those things diligently and more generously, partly myself and partly through my associates. And then at the time demanded it, as the priest was saying, the crowd with the religious cohort led me to the nearest baths, delivered first to customary washing, he, having asked god for grace, sprinkling water around, cleanses blamelessly, and having been led back to the temple, then with both parts of the day having been completed, before the very footsteps of the goddess he was standing and with certain things demanded in secret, which were too good for a voice, but one he commanded clearly to all witnesses: for these contiguous ten days I should hold back the pleasure of eating and consume not any animal and drink no wine. With these services were prepared for the venerable rite, now the day came that was secured by a divine bond, and the curved sun was bending into the evening. Then, look at the crowds flowing in from every direction, honoring me with various gifts for the ancient ritual. Then with all profine things laid aside far away, the priest, grabbing my hand, led me by the rough hem of my hairshirt to the very inner rooms of the temple itself. Perhaps you question with enough anxiety, dear feader, what was then said and what was done; I would say, if it was permitted to say, what you would know, if you were permitted to hear. But both the ear and the tongue would incur equal punishment. Nevertheless, perhaps I will not torture you any longer with the anxious desire for religion. Therefore listen, but believe, what things are true. I approached the edge of death and I returned from the well-trod threshold of Persophone having plowed through all elements. I saw the sun shining with white light in the middle of the night, and I met with, face to face, the gods below and the gods above and I adored them from nearby. Behold I have repeated to you whatever you wished to hear, and nevertheless it is necessary that you are ignorant. Therefore whatever alone is able to be spoken of to the minds of the unholy without it being a sin, I have said. |
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